Sunday, June 23, 2013

My SITS Feature Day!

As most of you have realized, I'm not usually a Monday person. I don't look forward to it, I don't enjoying planning for it, and I don't usually post on it.

But today will be the one exception because today is my SITS Girls feature day and I couldn't be more excited or honored for Mommy, In Demand to be featured!!!

But before I go on, let me explain why this is so awesome to those of you who don't know who exactly the SITS Girls are:

Blogging Resources for Women

The SITS Girls (short for The Secret is in the Sauce) are an online blog networking community of over 40,000 women created to help bloggers learn blogging skills, have an online support system, and to grow their audience (as well as turn your love of blogging into a paying gig). 

Every week day they choose one of their 40,000 active bloggers to be featured, and today I'm it (this is my happy dance)!!!

If you are stopping by from the SITS Girls (yay!) please feel free to snoop around and comment until your little heart is content. I'm happy to have you here! 

And don't forget to click the links to the right to "like" Mommy, In Demand on Facebook and to follow on Twitter and Pinterest. That way you're never too far away from the awesome-ness of Mommy, In Demand.

And if any of you are interested in checking out The SITS Girls, visit their webpage at I highly recommend them to any blogger looking for an online networking and support community.

So, to the SITS Girls I would just like to say thank-you!
I feel so honored to be today's featured blogger. Truly, I do.

Blogging Resources for Women


  1. Dropping in from SITS! Congratulations on the feature!

  2. Hi Kendra,
    You have a beautiful blog! It's nice to meet you from SITS!

  3. Happy SITS day! What a wonderful blog you have! I love your layout!

  4. Happy SITS Day to you! Being featured is definitely a way to rush away the Monday blues. :) Hope you have an amazing day!

    1. Yes it is. I didn't even need my coffee this morning to enjoy the sunrise.

  5. Happy SITS Day! I'm not usually a fan of Mondays either, except in the summer when everyone else goes back to work and I stay home! (I'm a teacher, can you tell?)

    1. Lol! Well I'm a SAHM and I feel the same way! It took a few weeks but as of this morning my kids sleep in until 9:00 and I'm a happy camper!

  6. YAY! Happy SITS day! So excited to see you featured! Hope you get LOTS of comment love today! :)-The Dose Girls

  7. Hope its a great day! I'm not a Monday person either and I am usually scrambling to get that Monday post in! Hope you have a fabulous SITS Day!

    1. Exactly why I don't post on Mondays...I'd never have it done. It already takes me until probably 2 in the afternoon to function correctly on a Monday. Don't need anymore pressure.

  8. Happy SITS day!! Sara @

  9. Happy SITS Day! Being featured on SITS is certainly a great way to start a Monday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  10. Woohoo! Happy SITS day! :)

  11. Happy SITS day! Hopefully the rest of your Monday is wonderful.

  12. Hey Kendra! I love your banner! SITS is the best! Cheers to starting us off thus week as the feature. Enjoy!

  13. Happy SITS day!! I am right there with ya on the {love} of Mondays! Your blog is lovely, I really like the layout and your header :)

    I am off to get all nosey and look around :)

  14. Hi Kendra,

    Really enjoying reading your Blog posts...sounds like you have one busy life with your boys!!

    Keep up the good work, and Happy SITS Day!

  15. Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it's a wonderful day for you.

  16. Hope that you enjoyed your SITS Day! It really is an awesome community.

  17. Congrats again! I'm also a Monday hater! Me and Mondays, especially Monday mornings.
    I liked your FB page but for some reason when I went to your Twitter it says the page does not exist.

  18. Happy SITS Day, Kendra. My kids are 22 & 23, and I'm STILL in demand. I don't know if that will be reassuring or scary to you...

    I also dislike Mondays, but mostly I just dislike mornings. I'm a card-carrying night owl.

    Following you on FB & Instagram - tried to follow on Pinterest & Twitter, but the links didn't work.

    Kim @ {enjoy the view}

    1. Lol! Slightly scary but I'm sure by the time my kids are that age I'll be used to them...I hope.

  19. Super cute blog design! Love the colors.

  20. Congrats on being featured. Happy SITS day.



Hey guys! Don't forget to leave me a comment! Love hearing from you!