Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Place To Shave My Legs

When we bought our new home back in February there was only one thing I was really looking forward to:

Having a child free bathroom.

(Doesn't every Mom?)

No more stepping on toys when showering. No more toothpaste stains on the sink. No more little boy puddles by the toilet (if you know what I mean).

Just a neat and clean adult bathroom with neatly organized adult things.

Its practically my equivalent to a spa day.

Unfortunately for me however, it didn't take long to figure out that my adult only bathroom dreams were slowly dying because of our "Man-only" bathroom.

Yes, Man-only.

I've come to the conclusion over the last few months that the master bathroom was created by a man, for a man, and women aren't supposed to use it.

It only took one time of me using the master shower to realize only an extremely flexible or a really small woman (of which I am neither) is able to shave their legs in there (and not have it look like they'd downed the entire bottle of wine before attempting it).

But to my dear Husband, it's a dream shower. Complete with a dream shower head (that hits him in the chest and me in the face) and a shelf to put his soaps and shampoos (but no where for mine). 

Over time I've also begun to notice a small problem with the location of said bathroom; having it in the master bedroom has slowly become a blessing and a curse.

Because, while it's removed from the hustle-and-bustle of the rest of the house, making it a dream bathroom for a man who just got off work and is tired, for a mother of two young boys it's a problem.

And any mother can understand this.

I love that I can relax and not have to listen to the goings-on in the house while I'm having some "me" time, but that only works well when Husband is here to help with the kids (Ha ha, yeah right).

If I'm alone with them I find I don't shower for fear of not being able to hear what's going on, and it takes twice as long to do my hair and make-up because I'm constantly checking on what they're doing.

There's also the annoying little fact that whenever I need to use the bathroom, hubby is always in the way (and I don't even know why that's an issue since we've shared apartments with only one bathroom for 6 years of our marriage).

It's probably because the bedroom and the bathroom are connected. So he can walk from one room to the other looking for some clothes and go right to playing with his iPad in a single motion.

For me however, I have to try and dress in the cramped space of the bathroom or to try and shove Husband out of his room to watch the kids so I can close the door to get dressed.

And that's not even touching on the fact that he loves that there's enough lighting in the bathroom to shave by (but not enough for applying make-up) so he takes his time and makes sure to do it right.


Made for a man, by a man.

No women allowed.

So what's a girl to do?

Well, for starters, I whine about it here in this post (thanks for listening and being so understanding about that) and then I take action.

I moved into the hall bathroom with my children.

Goodbye dreams of a clean sink.

Goodbye toy-less shower floor.

Goodbye showers without little boy bathroom breaks.

And hello hall bath.

But you know, it's all worked out very well.

There's a place for all of my stuff, the lighting is amazing for doing your make-up, I'm able to hear what's going on throughout the house while I'm getting myself cleaned up, and (the best part) there's enough room in the shower for me to shave my legs (without learning to become a contortionist).

And my children aren't bad bathroom mates either....for now.

**Are there any spaces in your home that were created by a man for a man? Have you had to give up something you wanted for something that works better in your home? Let me know, I'd love to hear about it!**


  1. We had a similar shower set up last week for vacation. How can I not shave my legs on vacation!?!?!?

    1. Right! These things are just not thought of when men design showers apparently...

  2. I had to laugh. Our master bathroom is also used by our two sons, because my hubby took the shower out of their bathroom and put a laundry room in there. All 3 kids were supposed to use the other upstairs bathroom but somehow our daughter has managed to get herself a bathroom completely to herself, while hubby and I share. The boys refuse to use "her" bathroom. Absolutely ridiculous!!

  3. I feel your pain! Our old house had a "man" shower! My husband thought it was spacious and perfect. I thought there was no way to avoid the water when you have conditioner in your hair and it was physically impossible to crank your leg up enough to shave.

    1. Exactly!!! Those were my EXACT thoughts every time I'd step in there!

  4. I am so glad I only have to share a bathroom with one son, and even though he is 18, and shouldn't be messy, he still is. I long for an all girl bathroom one day with a huge tub filled with bubbles!

  5. I don't know if it's kids or boys. My opinion is boys. They are just nasty, dirty, smelly things. Even at the age of 2. It's gotta be that "y" chromosome.

  6. I dream of getting a house with a master bath. We are in a house now with only one bath! I am always stepping on little pet shop toys. Hubby is always leaving his face hair in the sink. I want a bath just for myself!

  7. Can totally relate to your comment about the shower spray hitting you in the face while it's perfect for your husband. My husband is 6'2 and I'm only 5'5 if the shower head is tall enough for him, it's not ideal for me!

    1. Right! And when it is ideal for us you are practically up against the wall under it!

  8. Oh I totally relate! What mother doesn't want a kid-free bathroom? Several years ago my husband and I attended a Christmas party hosted at a client's house. They had two master bathrooms - a His and Hers. GENIUS. When I design my own house someday, I will have that set up.

    1. That is a genius idea! I may have to put that on my list when we remodel someday...

  9. Loved this post! I was shaking my head in agreement the whole time! While I have not made the move into the hall bathroom, I do know what it is like to have to push my husband out of the way to try to get anything done!

    When we bought our house I remember thinking, "Wow, what agreat master bath"...yeah, wrong on that one.

  10. You're a good woman because I would have bounced the Rooster out on his tail feather. I hate our bathroom.. it's too small and apparently no amount of years in marriage can get rid of the phenomenon known as "missing the toilet". But I'd run a contest on who's more disgusting.. him or my 3 girls. Glad to finally find you via SITS!!

  11. Love this post! Currently, it's just my husband and kids yet. Our bathroom is so tiny and two people being in there at once is nearly impossible, so I too move to the hall bathroom. I don't have to walk around anyone, I can spread my stuff out and get ready in peace! ;-)

  12. Currently there is only 1 bathroom in our small cabin and I share it with my hubby and 16 year old. It is in the remodel plans to add another bathroom or 2. I CANNOT WAIT!! Stopping in to say Hi via SITS. Following you on Twitter. :)

  13. We currently have one bathroom in our small cabin. I share it with my hubby and 1 year old. Adding another bathroom or two is in our future remodel plans. I CANNOT WAIT!! Stopping in to say via SITS. I am now following you on Twitter. :)

  14. When we drew up our house plans, the man design would have had the laundry room in the basement, like his mom's was. I fought HARD...and won...for the laundry room to be off the kitchen so I could cook and throw a load of laundry in the washer or switch it to the dryer at the same time. Just the other day (33 years later), he said "putting the laundry room upstairs was one of the best things we ever did.". LOL

    1. What is it with men and the Mom complex? Husband does that here to. He wont even buy a different fabric softener because it's not the one his mom used...If my children end up like that I may have to bash their heads in...

  15. omg haha I feeling like shaving my legs in almost any tub/shower is nearly impossible. I am fairly tall so laying in a tub is uncomfortable and then having water spray down your face will you are trying to not cut yourself is a practice in itself.

    Saying Hello from SITS,


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