Monday, April 22, 2013

May will be Spring Cleaning Month!

The month of May will be Spring Cleaning Month here at Mommy, In Demand.

We will be discussing schedules, tips, tricks, and I'll be sharing some of my favorite cleaning products and tools (Of which there are many). And even some much needed updates to my home decor!

But I would also like to hear from you! If you have any tips, tricks, products, ideas, and stories that you'd like to see mentioned during Mommy, In Demand's Spring Cleaning Month then be sure to check out the contact information at top right of the page and share them with me!

As keeping my home clean and organized is a passion for me, I am really excited to see how everyone else works to keep theirs the same. You might even have a better method than I do (and I will totally steal it)!

I can't wait! Hope to see you there! 


  1. Oh I definitely don't have any good tricks on cleaning, so I will be awaiting your posts with much anticipation. If I could get this house spring cleaned, it would be a small miracle! Can't wait!

  2. My house so needs a thorough cleaning.


Hey guys! Don't forget to leave me a comment! Love hearing from you!